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Decision making time.

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How about developing an interactive fiction engine that is more intuitive, with less of a learning curve, than Inform or TADS 3, but still powerful enough to achieve complex IF projects?

As far as the MMORPG project, you could start with developing the world and going towards single player in a smaller project to make the engine and such... then move onto the larger project as you get support and help behind your work.

As far as the MMORPG project, you could start with developing the world and going towards single player in a smaller project to make the engine and such... then move onto the larger project as you get support and help behind your work.
-wraith808 (November 25, 2010, 12:08 PM)
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No real need, ive settled on creating an MMORPG through a game engine using a project I was working on a few years back.  Graphics aint beautiful as im limited to what I can do by myself, but all in all, using this project I started awhile ago, I have a working server, and client, not much you can do in the game at the moment, but im going to be listing the full details soon in the DC Gamer Club section.

I think it's great to work on a project like this.  Let me know if I can help, you've been a big help to me with advice and stuff.  I'd love to try out the MMORPG game.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



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