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Desktop Linux: The dream is dead

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Again, the problem with Mono is Microsoft.
-zridling (November 20, 2010, 11:49 PM)
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Well, this should get interesting:
 >:( >:( >:(

I'm still having trouble believing Linux for the desktop is dead. Especially right now. I'm up on DoCo in a live session of PinguyOS.

Ubuntu on steroids. Think of all the nice things Mint did.  :-* Now imagine it even nicer...

Here's a hi-rez shot of the default desktop. (Caution - it's a big file)

Desktop Linux: The dream is dead

Detailed review (with numerous screenshots) of v10.04.1.2 can be found here.

I'm running 10.10.1 x86-64 on an old AMD Athlon64 box w/1.5Gb RAM - and it screams!  :Thmbsup:

Pinguy looks sweet~!

I've come to the conclusion that I really prefer the Linux desktop to anything else. It's simply much nicer than Windows or OS X.

Pinguy looks sweet~!

I've come to the conclusion that I really prefer the Linux desktop to anything else. It's simply much nicer than Windows or OS X.
-Renegade (November 23, 2010, 04:50 PM)
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D'accord! I'll take Metacity or Fluxbox (or any other X window manager) over Microsoft or Apple any day of the week. And that remains true even though I'm still undecided about Compiz. (And semi-skeptical about Enlightenment.  ;D )

Windows 7 has the best 'look' Microsoft could come up with to date. And while it's fairly pretty, it's still a bit garish and hokey.

OS X Apple! You either like  it or you don't. I don't.

Although I spend better than half my time in a terminal session or using a text editor, I still appreciate a nicely designed desktop theme when I do get to use a GUI. Maybe even more  than a regular desktop user since I'm constantly reminded just how different the command line and desktop environments are. Hard to get jaded when you keep switching back and forth.



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