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Hold on!! Superboy badge?!
Yep it was the list numberer, so you were pretty quick.
Also in all fairness you weren't very hard to please with the List Numberer, so i'm not sure Skwire really deserves the badge..
After reading the awesome alpha-sorting programmer discussion, i think he does! That was hilarious.
Bahahaha. :D Too funny. No insult intended whatsoever, superboyac. Mouser and I did it strictly for the lulz. :P
Bahahaha. :D Too funny. No insult intended whatsoever, superboyac. Mouser and I did it strictly for the lulz. :P
-skwire (November 15, 2010, 05:26 PM)
--- End quote ---
i know, you guys are the best. I like that you have fun with it. It makes me feel better about asking for things. I hate asking for help and making work for others. The irony is that I do it all the time.
I guess you should frow now on pay attention to which encryption tool you may use or which bicycle lock you want to rely on... :P
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