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NANI 2011 : Help ecaradec decide which app to code

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I have two new ideas for NANY. I'm not sure they'll be ready for NANI, but I can try :

* a RSSReader podcast downloader : I tag all my podcast with the tag podcast in rssreader, but there is no way to download them automatically all at once. I could also synchronize it with a usb key, or an mp3 player.
* a browser extension that could remember all applications you download and install and reinstall them all at once silently (like but it could works with applications on any website ) - I'm not even sure that this is possible, but I can try.
I'm not sure which one is more useful, if one inspire you more than the other, let me know.

The RSS reader is a better idea. The other one simply isn't predictable enough and you'd end up with a massive nightmare of support if it ever got any traction.

What's is important to me is that people use it too... I'm pretty sure I can do the podcast downloader quickly because I have an stupid script that does it, but I'm not sure about how many people listen to podcast AND use google rssreader. I just realise that I didn't mentioned that it'll be for google rssreader (not any )... There is already downloaders, but none that synchronize with google rssreader.

I'll be happy to end up in a nightmare if it helps people in the end, but may be it's not a good fit for a nany project. Another thing I could do is have a look at the fscript problems (as speaking of nightmare ... ;), it seems to me that the interest for it has faded a bit, but may that's my interest that faded.

Another thing I could do is have a look at the fscript problems
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yes yes yes!!

i SOOOOO want to bundle in fscript (and fsubscript) with FARR, with a single fscript DLL that i can put under update control.


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