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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Why Apple's Distortion Field Works

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Hi Renegade - I'm in as well  :Thmbsup:

Got a few PMs from people and it looks like we're about ready to roll. :)

(Aussie internet is crawling extra mind-numbingly painfully slow at the moment for me - as in a post/page takes several minutes, so please forgive the mass reply here.)

I've got running on Wordpress now.

Now I just need to add people! :)

Add User From Community

Type the e-mail address of another user to add them to your blog.
--- End quote ---

So what I need is people to PM me their email addresses. Make sure to sign up at though. Once you're signed up, then I can add you. You just need to have an account there.

And does anyone know the difference between a "Contributor" and an "Author"? (Too painful to search at the moment.)

This is going to be fun~! :D

OK - I have an account. Not happy, though - some blogger is already using Darwin as a username and another is using my default alternative, which is Huxley  >:(

OK - I have an account. Not happy, though - some blogger is already using Darwin as a username and another is using my default alternative, which is Huxley  >:(
-Darwin (November 16, 2010, 09:17 AM)
--- End quote ---

You can change the display name though. The account name is just for logging in. So you can still use Darwin. :)

Stoic Joker:
Quick Stupid Question: Shouldn't the tag line be Don't Drink the Kewl Aid ?


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