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Why Apple's Distortion Field Works

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They're actually just free subdomains. (November 12, 2010, 11:23 PM)
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Hey, thanks for that - didn't know it an Australian (sub)domain, (I really should read more), anyway all I can say is I've had a free one for 1+ years and it's still working, (I just have to remember to renew it after an hour of twiddling my thumbs wondering why it stopped working  :-[ ).

NSFW domain names - Not too keen on this as it has strongly homophobic connotations that I don't like, but it's a pretty cool domain name. :) - This rocks.

Those are only a few ideas. Anyone have any more?

i'd like to contribute an article about the automatic assumption that you must use a Mac if you are a designer (personally, any time i see a "designer/creative/artist" type using a Mac i instanly loose all respect for them. it instantly signals to me that they aren't very original in their mindset. they are a sheep. of course, i'm jumping to conclusions about someone, but that's part of the fun.)

I have never been a fan of Apple, but i think you guys are being too harsh on Apple users.

There may be plenty of people who buy Apple stuff because they have bought into the ridiculous "lifestyle" marketing of Apple which promises you will be one of the cool kids if you have Apple stuff.

BUT surely there is a larger number of Apple users who buy Apple products simply because they are making an intelligent decision that their desires in terms of total user interface are much more in line with the focus of Apple developers.

From what I can see, most Apple users are happily making a rationale decision that they don't need to have an infinitely configurable device or software, and are more concerned with having a smooth predictable experience.

Most of us have some devices we interact with that we want to be able to really customize and tweak and don't mind spending a lot of time getting them to work the way we want and are willing to put up with (or often enjoy) a steeper learning curve and some instability, and also some devices that we just want to work and don't want to spend days studying and reconfiguring and troubleshooting.

I think Apple is just marketing to the audience of people who, at least for their computer/iphone/ipad, fall on one end of this spectrum.

So a big part of the reason there is a divide among apple vs pc users is they WANT different things out of their device (same goes for linux users of course).

ps. As I said earlier, this is a separate issue from the issue of Apple marketing their brand as a cool lifestyle choice, which is more insidious and psychological and appeals to our more irrational and counter-productive unconscious desire to attain status, which i find distasteful.

...i think you guys are being too harsh on Apple users.
-mouser (November 13, 2010, 04:41 AM)
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Absolutely! But that's part of the fun~! :P

(I have a love for overkill. :D )


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