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Why Apple's Distortion Field Works

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Despite the temperature of Renegade's rants, they are instructive. What the author did not note is that from its origin it targeted the richest segment of the populace for customers -- and stuck to it even though they needed a Microsoft bailout of a $150 million in the mid-90s(1997?) to keep their con game going. If you ever watch a business channel, all Steve Jobs has to do is fart and they'll run 14 days of stories on how wonderful their latest toy is. That kind of free advertising to the richest of the rich who won't just buy one iPhone, but buy his entire family iPhones, can't be matched.

On the flip side, Microsoft just completed the most successful launch of any OS in history with Win7 over the past year and not a frickin' peep from these folks.

Go figure.


Just curious   Do you own an iPod ?

Despite the temperature of Renegade's rants, they are instructive. What the author did not note is that from its origin it targeted the richest segment of the populace for customers -- and stuck to it even though they needed a Microsoft bailout of a $150 million in the mid-90s(1997?) to keep their con game going. If you ever watch a business channel, all Steve Jobs has to do is fart and they'll run 14 days of stories on how wonderful their latest toy is. That kind of free advertising to the richest of the rich who won't just buy one iPhone, but buy his entire family iPhones, can't be matched.

On the flip side, Microsoft just completed the most successful launch of any OS in history with Win7 over the past year and not a frickin' peep from these folks.

Go figure.
-zridling (November 10, 2010, 07:42 AM)
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That's the really freaky thing. Microsoft could cure cancer and bring about world peace, and the media would ignore them. Microsoft's media skills are the opposite of Apple's. It's bizarre.


Just curious   Do you own an iPod ?
-ljbirns (November 10, 2010, 07:46 AM)
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Yes. I have 2. I no longer use them though except as storage devices.

 :-* I wanted to post about the serial rapist quip but nudone beat me to it. Brilliant (though mighty disturbing).

Renegadge, that was the clearest, albeit vitriolic and profane, statement about how *I* feel about Apple that I've never written (and frankly could never write).

Yes. I have 2. I no longer use them though except as storage devices.
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Why did you buy them, given your luke warm feelings towards Apple ?


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