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Why Apple's Distortion Field Works
Don't worry about not having a lot to rant about. I don't either. That's why I think a few people are needed to make it work.
I went ahead and bought (You obviously didn't check with Network Solutions! :) ) So we have that now. If anyone has any other ideas though, let's run with whatever people like best.
But, we need a multi-blogger platform. I'm not sure what would work best. I think that being in an already existing ecosystem in important though. e.g. is on Wordpress, and thus, a part of the Wordpress ecosystem, so it interlinks with other blogs automatically for relevant/related topics/posts.
Any ideas on what would work best?
wordpress sounds good. good idea about a more subtle domain name (i was going to suggest that might be the way to go too).
i wouldn't be surprised if timns had a few ideas/rants to contribute about Apple. i'll ask him.
not to throw fuel onto the fire or anything, but this from slashdot this morning
Apple: Apple the No. 1 Danger To Net Freedom
Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday November 15, @12:39PM
from the but-we-like-the-shiny dept CWmike writes
"Columbia law professor Tim Wu, who coined the term 'net neutrality,' now says that Apple is the company that most endangers the freedom of the Internet. Wu recently published the book The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires, in which he details what he calls 'information empires' such as AT&T, NBC, Facebook, and Google. He told The New York Times, 'It's largely a story of the American affection for information monopolists and the consequences of that fondness.' When asked whether the Internet could similarly be controlled by large companies, he told the Times: 'I know the Internet was designed to resist integration, designed to resist centralized control, and that design defeated firms like AOL and Time Warner. But firms today, like Apple, make it unclear if the Internet is something lasting or just another cycle.' Asked which companies he feared most, Wu replied: 'Right now, I'd have to say Apple.'"
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perhaps you could rope this guy in as well
I highly doubt that he would be willing to participate in a lunatic fringe blog. :) Then again, there's no harm in asking.
Anyways, I checked Wordpress, and it's simple enough to have multiple bloggers. I'll see about getting it up and running ASAP.
Those that would like to participate, please PM me your Wordpress IDs so I can add you.
No takers/volunteers to help me start up a new blog and rant a bit?
Deozaan?-Renegade (November 15, 2010, 02:23 PM)
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Do I have a reputation or something? I haven't even commented in this thread (until now) but I'm the first one you mention in a request to join forces for an over the top Apple bashing blog? :huh:
I honestly don't know if I should feel good about that or not. :-[ ;D
EDIT: But since we're on the topic, I came across this today and had a good laugh: What it's like to own an Apple product.
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