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Why Apple's Distortion Field Works

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:-* I wanted to post about the serial rapist quip but nudone beat me to it. Brilliant (though mighty disturbing).

Renegadge, that was the clearest, albeit vitriolic and profane, statement about how *I* feel about Apple that I've never written (and frankly could never write).
-Darwin (November 10, 2010, 08:13 AM)
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Glad that I've articulated some things that you or others have been feeling~! :D I'll try to spew some more venom later. :D Muahahahhah~!

Yes. I have 2. I no longer use them though except as storage devices.
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Why did you buy them, given your luke warm feelings towards Apple ?
-ljbirns (November 10, 2010, 09:15 AM)
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I've not always been so hostile towards Apple.

For years I was hostile entirely due to the fanboys that would spout the most insane nonsense you've ever heard.

I softened though. When the iPod came out, I was a bit ticked that they'd choose a proprietary audio compression format, but still enthusiastic. The product worked ok (not perfectly as advertised), so I was happy.

iPods cannot properly play WAV (RIFF) files. They say they can, but they don't. They crash on many kinds of WAV files. Quite frankly, it's pathetic. It shows that their engineers are just plain fucking lazy. I have WAV files that were produced on a Mac that crash an iPod.

Anyways, that's besides the point.

My second iPod my wife gave to me. She had 2 and didn't need the second.

When I was at ESTsoft, I made sure that we gave an iPod to our translators that did all of ALTools. I kept that quiet though and didn't publicize it. It was always just about saying "thank you" and was always a surprise.

My hostility towards Apple is primarily due to fanboys, lies from Apple, their demonically evil licensing changes, and the general douchiness they exude.

My hostility towards Apple is primarily due to fanboys, lies from Apple, their demonically evil licensing changes, and the general douchiness they exude.
-Renegade (November 10, 2010, 10:18 AM)
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Amen  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

"douchiness" -

Awesome post IMHO. Some credits for you :)

Awesome post IMHO. Some credits for you :)
-fenixproductions (November 10, 2010, 05:38 PM)
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Ah, hadn't thought of that - thank you for reminding me! Some on the way from me as well.


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