A great idea, but...
WARNING! --- START OF RANT ---"...we are extremely excited today to let you know that Microsoft is..."
The word "excited", as used here, is straight out of the Bullshit Bingo phrasebook.
Why do they have to be "excited" at all? What on earth is exciting about it anyway? Are
you excited about it? Why? They must have been planning this for ages, so the professed "excitement" must surely be insincere.
I really do get fed up with this BS - Google are just as bad. I read most of the Google-related blogs, and I have lost count of the number of times they say "...we are excited to announce that...etc." with moronic, mind-numbing repetition. I think Amway started the rot by using the term as standard BS in the '80s, with their "exciting bisnez" of pyramid marketing of mediocre products.
--- END OF RANT ---Having let off steam, I have to say that the free personal-use version of Microsoft Security Essentials seems to be
very good, stable and non-intrusive (also see comments on this elsewhere in this forum). I was using that free Personal version and then switched to using the new ß of it when Microsoft released it a short while back, and it seems pretty much faultless. A great anti-virus product IMHO.
This announcement probably presages a genuine free advantage to small businesses and is likely to engender improved market acceptance/approval of Microsoft's new, and apparently less predatory (than historically) marketing tactics. Time will tell.