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[Freeware] Text Filter - portable, search-as-you-type text file viewer
Great app. If it's alpha, I'm guessing you're aware that nothing happens when you select Tools -> Options?
I've been looking for an app to manage lists, and live search is an essential feature. Any plans to add more list-management features to this app (moving items around, editing them, etc)?
-jaden (October 24, 2010, 12:30 AM)
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Still pre-alpha. The Tools -> Options hasn't been implemented yet.
Edit menu options, currently disabled (unimplemented), will help do some editing in a later release.
Since this is a text-viewer program, I may not add many editing options.
Depending on how much editing is allowed, this could evolve into the app I've been looking for. I'll keep an eye on it. Keep up the good work :)
Depending on how much editing is allowed, this could evolve into the app I've been looking for. I'll keep an eye on it. Keep up the good work :)
-jaden (October 24, 2010, 01:32 AM)
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Thanks! I'm considering below features:
1) click or double-click an item to enter editing mode;
2) select one or more lines, then copy/cut/paste/delete/hide;
3) sort lines alphabetically, or by text-length, or else;
4) export matched/unmatched lines to a new file;
5) state/stats/summary info for the status bar.
Any ideas?
I tried to download Text Filter just now but can't seem to get it.
I tried to download Text Filter just now but can't seem to get it.
-cranioscopical (October 24, 2010, 09:34 AM)
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My site was under maintenance. The download link is ok now.
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