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National Punctuation Day haiku contest

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It's "em-dash" not "m-dash":

The term em dash derives from its defined width of one em, which is the length, expressed in points, by which font sizes are typically specified. Thus in 9-point type, an em is 9 points wide, while the em of 24-point type is 24 points wide, and so on. (By comparison, the en dash, with its 1-en width, is ½ em wide in most fonts.[11])
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It's "em-dash" not "m-dash":

The term em dash derives from its defined width of one em, which is the length, expressed in points, by which font sizes are typically specified. Thus in 9-point type, an em is 9 points wide, while the em of 24-point type is 24 points wide, and so on. (By comparison, the en dash, with its 1-en width, is ½ em wide in most fonts.[11])
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-mouser (September 24, 2010, 05:06 PM)
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 :-[ Good catch!

From that same Wikipedia article

The em dash (—), or m dash, m-rule, etc.
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