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How to understand all the Intel chip types?
Don't you just miss the Pentium structure? P4 2.8 is faster than a 2.6 etc.. :D
Don't you just miss the Pentium structure? P4 2.8 is faster than a 2.6 etc.. :D-techidave (November 15, 2010, 04:56 AM)
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...but was a P4 2.8 GHz faster than an Athlon64 2.4 GHz? Also, keep in mind that not all chips branded "Pentium 4" are the original P4 core type, afaik.
JavaJones dropping some epics lately!
Thanks, that's a good way to think about it. I'll be using that.
Just buy the most expensive one in the shop and be done with it :P
PS I agree, the naming is confusing. I definitely saw i5s in the market before i3s so it really does have to do with sneaky marketing too.
Stoic Joker:
Anyway wasn't the Windows Performance Index supposed to help with all this BS? Why don't we see those scores advertised with new PCs at this point?-JavaJones (November 15, 2010, 03:30 AM)
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I'd love to know that one myself. But if you look at the WPI of most budget (or business) Win7 machines (frequently 3 or less) it's probably too hard to sell/explain why machine X doesn't really totally suck because the slow part (which sets the score...) isn't really relevant/detrimental to the required application/intended usage.
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