Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Poll To Help Decide Mouser's App
I've already committed to finishing up a large web application for NANY 2011, but I've also committed to writing a new large desktop application.
But i'm having a hard time deciding what desktop application to write. So i'm asking for some feedback about which program you'd most like to see.
I've listed 4 ideas that are currently on my mind, but i'm leaving the details vague.
* Exercise/Workout Builder - This is an idea to let people build custom workouts from modules that others build
* Webcam Recording/Diary Utility - I have written a fairly extensive image and video browsing/recording tool for another project and was trying to think of a way to reuse some of the code and create something new; in some sense the easiest since i have much of the code, but it's the one idea that also needs to figure out what exactly novel it would do.
* Touchscreen Pictureframe App - The idea for this is a program you would run on a touchscreen monitor mounted on the wall in a picture frame; it would let you configure screensavers, visual demo effects, special web pages, etc.; and easily cycle through them, kind of like an iphone style user interface that let you navigate between modules.
* Card/Board Game Protoyping Tools - I've already written several scripts for board game designers to help prototype games; this idea is to take this to the next level.
So does anything on this list grab your attention? Use the poll above to vote, and thanks for your input!
Oh man, a developer offering to write new software is like crack to me! Ok, the one I totally want most is the webcam recording/diary utility. That would be so awesome. I know there are a lot of webcam software out there, but they are either too complicated or too lame. Typical of most software these days.
I would love this thing. I would offer any help I could. I'd be a great person to use to beta test the development, provide graphics (icons, logos). And my biggest strength would be to offer recommendations for the UI.
A mouser version of webcam software would be great. It would be typically user-friendly, yet powerful, fast, and productive.
A mouser version of webcam software would be great. It would be typically user-friendly, yet powerful, fast, and productive.
-superboyac (September 14, 2010, 11:58 AM)
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And it would be called WURD: Webcam Utility for Recording a Diary.
I wanted to vote for both of these:
# Touchscreen Pictureframe App - The idea for this is a program you would run on a touchscreen monitor mounted on the wall in a picture frame; it would let you configure screensavers, visual demo effects, special web pages, etc.; and easily cycle through them, kind of like an iphone style user interface that let you navigate between modules.
# Card/Board Game Protoyping Tools - I've already written several scripts for board game designers to help prototype games; this idea is to take this to the next level.
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But I can only make one choice! Decisions... decisions...
Webcam Recording/Diary Utility +1
Just because I want to feel a little like the famous Start trek characters with their 'Captain's log, supplemental...' :P
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