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FSubScript plugins acting strange


When I invoke any of the fsubscript plugins from CZB pack that use html view (jscalc, timer, tableDataSearch...) it outputs itself as text, so you can see the source code in the result list area.

Other plugins from CZB pack are working fine. One more thing, the plugins are working fine, for example i type in "tm at 12:00 do something" the alarm gets set, but the plugin is displayed as text instead of html.

I've tried putting a new version of fscript but it just reports an error in the plugin. BTW, it is working ok on my work computer, so it is probably a plugin clash of somekind or something.

could you see if you can figure out if it is indeed another plugin interfering?
it could also be some problem involving the embedded web browser in farr.

I haven't had time to do much testing, but what I saw is this: embedded web browser works fine (either by using htmlviewurl or even by using fssc - FSubScript control panel). I've tried disabling all other plugins with no effect.
I've tried copying the FSubScript plugin and JScalc from my work computer (where it works), still no effect.

Could you copy everything that is printed ? May be there is a little more than the code... something like asyntax error might be...

It works now.

So, the explanation. Somehow, I've managed to remove html file type extension from the registry, so IE didn't recognize local html files with no doctype defined as text/html so it didn't render them.

Sorry for the trouble guys.


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