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Source code colors: Contrast / Readability / Ergonomics
slate looks nice, but i still find black on white the easiest to read.
-mouser (February 20, 2006, 11:51 AM)
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Black on white is okay if you're used to it, but it's hard to go back after reversing the contrast for a while. After spending some time in my text editor, hitting the black on white of the Internet makes me feel a bit sun-blinded ;)
Stop This Madness!
Well I couldn't resist and randomly downloaded a few more definitions of color schemes. This page is getting rather heavy, traffic-wise...
This time I bore you with:
* delphi
* yeller
* zenburn
* slateBW, note the change on the status line
I remembered this old thread when I ran across this page:
source code coloring example'o'rama
Good old Turbo Pascal - I started my venturing into programming with TP6. Borland had the greatest IDEs back then, the integrated help was outstanding, and TP6's ability to "compile & link to RAM" was _perfect_ when working on a dead-slow 286 with an even slower harddrive :) (and yeah, I had a damn lot of green-on-blue as well, you sorta needed that to get acceptable speeds back then).
I'm still stuck with a black-on-white scheme (with additional syntax highlighting - I wouldn't live without that today!), it works well enough and I don't get eyestrain. Been meaning to try out something else, but it just takes too long to fiddle with (Notepad++ doesn't come with schemes to choose from). Green-on-black has always seemed very harsh to me.
In VIM I use the 'desert' scheme, which is pretty nice... but VIM is never going to be my main editor, I'm afraid. It's slightly (and I do mean slightly, but enough to notice) heavier than Notepad++, and I don't really do stuff faster in it. Great when I'm stuck on linux, though.
I was wondering: Should I put this here or in urlwolf's thread?. Anyway, Scott Hanselman briefly discuss a few more themes for your IDE, specifically for Visual Studio. Just in case housetier flood of options is not enough ;D
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