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UNSOLVED: Program Idea: Commandline Table Printer


The idea is a simple commandline (and/or interactive gui) tool that can take a data file (csv perhaps) representing a possibly very large table of data, and print it out with nice pagination and options.

If someone already knows about a LIGHTWEIGHT program that will do this, i'd be interested to know.

There are no doubt some very serious desktop publishing / layout tools (tex, etc.) that can do it, but i think they are way overkill.

The idea came up in this thread, but i can think of lots of places where it would be nice to have such a feature.

If you can accept a DOS program dated 2002 - maybe Bruce Guthrie's PAGINATE?

PAGINATE: Reformats text files with embedded formatting codes. Handles things like titles, footers, indexes, alignment, justification, multicolumn listings, etc. Also provides support for embedding tabular data in ASCII-delimited or dBase formats which can be embedded and/or sorted in your reports.

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If you need to convert from CSV to other formats first, check the same author's CONVERT:

CONVERT: Converts between data formats: FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited (typically commas between fields and quotes around strings), and fixed field TO Lotus WKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase, and fixed field.

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But it so old 16 bit that it won't run on x64 Windows, what a pity, it was looking so good :o


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