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Windows 7 Modal Dialogs - Aero Glass problem

<< < (7/7)

better, but not perfect. the rounded corners still being cut...

I capture modal dialogs like I do with windows. I move them on a white background (desktop with no visible icons).

/e: please notice that my problem is not only about the modal dialog not being active but also that the window is not fully captured since the corners are cut (which is wrong). you can see this behaviour in the screenshots of my first post.

"2. modal window not overlapping main window (looks much better)"
we can see that the window is active, yes. nonetheless the borders are cut.

I know this might sound fussy to some of you but the screenshots I take have to be perfect since they are being printed on our product box, shown on the website, printed in the manual... everywhere ;) I don't want to sound like a "know-it-all" and since my english is not my native language I fail at explaining things in a friendly way :D


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