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Is Antenna Climbing the Scariest Job Ever?

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that got the adrenalin going - I'm a bit scared of heights :)

There were a few stages there - going from one section to the next - that looked relatively difficult.

Jeez... It just gives me the creeps watching it.

Now that brought back some memories :'(

Built & worked on towers for 16yrs (2nd Generation, Dad did it for close to 40yrs). Granted we mostly worked on Cellular Towers, but I've been to the top (and all points in between) of the old Ch6 tower in Homestead, FL (blown down by Andrew).

My personal best: 7 towers in one day for a total of 1,353ft (antenna testing for AT&T).

And tomos I was and still am afraid of heights (it could take me up ten minutes to get myself psyched up), but once up there and working you couldn't beat the view.

Now that brought back some memories.... I was and still am afraid of heights (it could take me up ten minutes to get myself psyched up), but once up there and working you couldn't beat the view.-majorspacecase (September 16, 2010, 05:37 AM)
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You are CRAZY man!!

Now that brought back some memories.... I was and still am afraid of heights (it could take me up ten minutes to get myself psyched up), but once up there and working you couldn't beat the view.-majorspacecase (September 16, 2010, 05:37 AM)
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You are CRAZY man!!
-zridling (September 16, 2010, 10:58 AM)
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I prefer the term "Functionally Non-sane" :P


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