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NANY 2011 Release: cross-platform puzzle game - WhirlyWord

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It's running!

A small Java puzzlertimewaster  :D

And after all that blather about what a great name "They Must Be Stopped!" was, I have renamed it. Mainly because I changed the aim of the game a bit too much. So I might use the other title next year again for something else :-\

NANY 2011 Release: cross-platform puzzle game - WhirlyWord

More info coming up shortly, but she's playable anyway:

ps I am pretty sure this is the first NANY app to mention 'gerbils' on its teaser screen.

Playable, and I'll finish it off when I return from holiday in mid-Jan.

Perry Mowbray:
But hell, everyone knows that a good name is 99% of it. Now I just hope that IS a good name.  :-[
-timns (August 04, 2010, 12:43 PM)
--- End quote ---

It certainly is intriguing  ;D

My goodness, I hope it's not something to defeat current puns!

I am a big fan of Twigatelle, so I'm looking forward to this for sure. Good name! :)

- Oshyan

Appreciate your comments. It's still totally in the conceptual stage at the moment, but as soon as anything's runnable, I'll start posting details.

Thanks for mentioning Twigatelle - I'll also add some more levels to that thing in the near future.


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