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NANY 2011 Release: Auspex - a Windows Productivity App

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    * Can't enter master pwd to Roboform with Auspex running (tried all 3 exception settings)

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Still on my todo list

    * Replacement text always positions the cursor at the beginning of the replaced text

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Hangover from me changing what the 'cursor pos' value represents. Please visit your replacements and change the Cursor Pos field from 0 to -1.

    * Sometimes, clicking on a 'replacement' item that I've modified fails to open the "Replacement" text window
    * Sometimes, Auspex won't let me create a new item

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Well it's a capricious little bugger isn't it? I'd love to get a set of steps to reproduce these!

Tried all settings with above.
One thing that would help a bit with testing is if there were a mechanism for Auspex to refresh itself once changes are made, rather than stop-starting.

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There's a new, tiny button in the top toolbar that does that very thing.

Auto-completion writes the (tab) trigger into the file.

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#$##!! Yes it probably does. KEdit is a bit of a rotter to deal with... I'm getting there though.

Thank you very much for all your comments Senor Cranio.

By the way, I should start a thread with "what's the most ridiculous completion you've had so far?"

I've seen a few boring ones with repeated typos (which actually gives me ideas for new replacements to set up to cover my crappy typing) but I've also had "pinhead" "humdinger" and "capini" suggested to me. I should probably stop writing such idiotic emails :-[

Perry Mowbray:
Tim: Auspex b37 has ceased to work?? Well it runs... but doesn't replace anything or trigger anything???

I can quit and go back to previous version OK.

-Perry Mowbray (October 12, 2010, 11:07 PM)
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Yoinks! Can you clear your Exceptions list, and maybe also try creating a new replacement? Maybe I was clumsy when adding defaults to new fields.
-timns (October 13, 2010, 10:09 AM)
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Done but still no dice  :(

Actually... doesn't just sit there... it seems to be sending an Right Mouse Button click to the active window? I had to quit Auspex to type this because the Window's Context menu kept coming up.

I've noticed it before, but after restarting Auspex it's back to doing nothing again...

Done but still no dice  :(

Actually... doesn't just sit there... it seems to be sending an Right Mouse Button click to the active window? I had to quit Auspex to type this because the Window's Context menu kept coming up. (see attachment in previous post)
I've noticed it before, but after restarting Auspex it's back to doing nothing again...

-Perry Mowbray (October 13, 2010, 04:50 PM)
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It doesn't do anything with mouse messages at all... is there a chance you have a windows hot key set up to bring up the context menu?

Can I send you a logging version? It doesn't track any passwords or anything as you hopefully know...


Replacement text always positions the cursor at the beginning of the replaced text
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Hangover from me changing what the 'cursor pos' value represents. Please visit your replacements and change the Cursor Pos field from 0 to -1
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When Auspex 1.00.37 first came up, all its values for these were set to -1.
After I saw the cursor positioning thing, I tried changing the value to 0 and, later, back to -1.
(I went through a restart of Auspex after each change.)
Now after rebooting my machine it works as it should :o:-[

Sometimes, clicking on a 'replacement' item that I've modified fails to open the "Replacement" text window.
Sometimes, Auspex won't let me create a new item

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Well it's a capricious little bugger isn't it? I'd love to get a set of steps to reproduce these!

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I too, I've tried.
Now, with the cursor positioning working properly for me, I find that two of my replacement items are simply gone and a third has the right mnemonic but the replacement text for one of the missing items.
Sure seems as if something is corrupting a data file. Reading this you've probably decided that the fault lies between my chair and the computer — I certainly would. I'm not making up this stuff, though.

if there were a mechanism for Auspex to refresh itself once changes are made

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There's a new, tiny button in the top toolbar that does that very thing.

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Oh dear, how long has that been in?
The fault does lie between my chair and the computer :-[:-[

#$##!! Yes it probably does. KEdit is a bit of a rotter to deal with... I'm getting there though.
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Much appreciated!!

Thank you very much for all your comments Senor Cranio
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Pull the other one, amigo :)

Weeny weedy WICKI!


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