Software > N.A.N.Y. 2011
NANY 2011 Release: Auspex - a Windows Productivity App
Thanks for the comments! I'll have a look and see if the idea fits into what I'm doing. Certainly you can set up shortcuts that include other shortcuts and the latest clipped text. Should be easy enough to pick any of the stored clips.
I appreciate any and all suggestions.
Perry Mowbray:
Will this be able to something like...
type "calc:1+1" and Auspex grabs it and replaces it with 2
is this like the macro functionality you mentioned??
Will this be able to something like...
type "calc:1+1" and Auspex grabs it and replaces it with 2
is this like the macro functionality you mentioned??
-Perry Mowbray (September 16, 2010, 11:11 PM)
--- End quote ---
At some point it will be able to do that. At the moment it's more basic like 'insert current date' in various formats. But you can nest them, so maybe you'd have some automatic text like:
You type ds<TAB> (or whatever you have set up)
You get:
Dear , thank you for your email. We etc etc etc [current date] etc etc
Auspex will also move the cursor to just before the comma after 'Dear', so you can just whack the person's name in right away.
At the moment the program will also note words you use a lot and suggest them as you type, and later I'll be suggesting entire phrases. I wrote a nice bayesian analyzer (has anyone managed to find one in Delphi!?!) which will help me know what to suggest as it learns your writing style.
Runnable version coming up for the "in-crowd" (i.e. DC members) over the weekend.
Hi Tim, this looks like a marvelous piece of work, I appreciate the effort you have gone to. As a programmer, I often find that the best solutions come from our own frustrations rather than our fantasies :)
I have 2 things to add to this thread:
1. Can it deal with Non-US spelling? as a non-US person I find that all kinds of programs and websites want to correct my (already correct) spelling to American English (including this one!)
2. Have you considered including the same functionality thats been around for years on mobiles and is called predictive text or T9. I'm surprised that the great MS haven't ever included this is in Word and to be honest I have never seen it in any word processing or text editor program. Why is that? It can't be hard can it?
Awesome program timns I can't wait to start playing with it.
How intrusive is it if you're writing a story or working with lots of medical or legal terms will it try to correct those words to it's closest equivalent or just ignore them because they are not close enough to anything in the dictionary is their a quick hotkey to enable disable the program?
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