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Ghoster - Feature suggestion

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So I commented out Goto,LOOP, which I think there is only one in the script.  When I start it, the screen just flashes once and nothing happens.

So I commented out Goto,LOOP, which I think there is only one in the script.  When I start it, the screen just flashes once and nothing happens.
-risingeil (August 12, 2010, 04:55 PM)
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ok, try the linked mod then..

Edit: uploaded newer version - mod2.

thanks for the quick reply.  I can turn it on and off with hotkeys now, but it doesn't light up the active window, it just darkens the screen.

thanks for the quick reply.  I can turn it on and off with hotkeys now, but it doesn't light up the active window, it just darkens the screen.-risingeil (August 12, 2010, 05:43 PM)
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hmm.. try the new version.

uh sorry, where do i get the new version?


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