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General brainstorming for Note-taking software

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Superboyac : would you know about EverNote’s encryption format?
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Armando, I don't know anything about the format specifically.  I noticed you asked this already in Evernote's forum, hopefully you get an answer.  Here's something I found on the forums:
A user-entered password is an arbitrary non zero length text message which is used to produce a 128-bit 'digest' or 'fingerprint' using MD5 algorithm. This 'fingerprint' is used as a seed to build 64-bit RC2 effective key by RC2 expansion and effective key bit size adjustment algorithm. After encryption or decryption is finished, keys, 'fingerprints' and passwords are physically erased from memory and there is no way to restore encryption key except providing the correct password again. (Even our own engineering team would not be able to help you recover if you forget your password.)
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Superboyac : would you know about EverNote’s encryption format?
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Armando, I don't know anything about the format specifically.  I noticed you asked this already in Evernote's forum, hopefully you get an answer.  Here's something I found on the forums:
A user-entered password is an arbitrary non zero length text message which is used to produce a 128-bit 'digest' or 'fingerprint' using MD5 algorithm. This 'fingerprint' is used as a seed to build 64-bit RC2 effective key by RC2 expansion and effective key bit size adjustment algorithm. After encryption or decryption is finished, keys, 'fingerprints' and passwords are physically erased from memory and there is no way to restore encryption key except providing the correct password again. (Even our own engineering team would not be able to help you recover if you forget your password.)
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-superboyac (May 23, 2007, 10:37 AM)
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I've seen that too. But it applied to version 1.5, I believe. Most probably, it still applies... But still waiting for an answer at the forum.

I feel that I have to inform EverNote users here about a well hidden something I thought was not possible to do (it's undocumented -- but some resident experts might already know about it) : the ability to completely exclude  a category from the Note list : the use of the NOT operator.

Basically, "click on Cat A [a category you want too look into] in the Category panel (top left), then Ctrl+click on Cat B [the category you want to subtract] in the Intersection panel (bottom left)" **.... and... you've "subtracted" Cat B !
See :

Have fun !

** To enable the "intersection panel" : Options>Category>"Show category intersection panel"

Great find, Armando.  I just tried it and it works.  I remember telling myself it needed a NOT function ie "show me all notes except xxxxx category).


I remember telling myself it needed a NOT function ie "show me all notes except xxxxx category).
-JeffK (May 23, 2007, 08:09 PM)
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Yep. I feel relieved...  :)


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