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TicClick 1.0 Shift Left Mouse Click on the active window to move it to one of nine Tic Tac Toe positions similar to:

This version is Mouse-Only.

You can download here:

In the future I may add a command to avoid having to edit the .ini file when changing the mouse hotkey.  For now you can edit the .ini file while the program is not running to change the hotkey. Modifier keys are
^ for Control
+ for Shift
# for WinKey

As I refine the program I'll have this info near what you need to edit to change it.  Still 1.0 after all. :)

TicClick 1.1  Changed default mouse hotkey to WinKey-Left Click.  Shift-Left Click interferes with Windows multiple selection with the mouse.

Please delete the old TicClick.ini file before running v. 1.1 or it will pick up the old hotkey from the .ini file. If it doesn't work you can usually fix it by quiting using the Tray Icon Menu, then delete the .ini file, then run it again to set the new default.

Or you can just edit the .ini file yourself and put #LButton as the hotkey(or one you prefer.)  See AutoHotKey for the format of hotkey strings.

TicClick 1.2  Added commands Show Readme and Edit IniFile to the Tray Menu.  Yup, I took the lazy way out.  To change the hotkey, use the Edit IniFile command.  The ini file will be opened via file association, then TicClick will quit.  This is to avoid overwriting any changes to the .ini file.

At least this way you don't have to dig into the folder where TicClick.exe is to open the .ini file with an editor. :)

TicClick Made some small fixes.  Reduced memory footprint.
Now Edit IniFile command saves the .ini file, then opens it, so data is in sync. Then the app quits to avoid clobbering changes to the file.

TickClick Now mouse is moved to center of position grid.


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