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Canoot play TicTac... 'Numbpad' nonexistent on my lap top.
Canoot play TicTac... 'Numbpad' nonexistent on my lap top.
-PhilB66 (August 01, 2010, 12:19 AM)
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I'm working on a mouse addon for it. I should have it ready to upload in a day or so. The way the mouse handling works, you Winkey click on the active window and a grid pops up with buttons for the 9 positions. You click a button and it sends the corresponding hotkey to the numpad handler program.
I've got all that part done. Now I just need to add an option for it to the Tray Menu of the numpad handler and write functions to launch and kill the mouse handler exe when the option is enabled/disabled or if you change the hotkey modifier from the Tray Menu etc..
You won't even see the mouse handler program unless you look in task manager. It's just easier to split the job into 2 tasks to take advantage of the strengths of both programming languages(AutoIt3 and ahk.)
Canoot play TicTac... 'Numbpad' nonexistent on my lap top.
-PhilB66 (August 01, 2010, 12:19 AM)
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There is the possibility if the keyboard does not actually have the keys, the hotkey registrations may fail. I don't have a laptop to try it. But let's see what happens. :wallbash:
Canoot play TicTac... 'Numbpad' nonexistent on my lap top.
-PhilB66 (August 01, 2010, 12:19 AM)
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btw, could you try running it anyway? Or have you? If it gets an error trying to assign the first hotkey, it should pop up an error msgbox. If it doesn't then the way I have it should work. I'll probably come out with a mouse-only version after a bit so that people who don't want to use the numberpad and assign 9 hotkeys can just mouse click. The grid is a bit large now. I'm not the greatest with ahk guis. But it's working. I'll try to improve the looks eventually.
Edit: Not necessary. I've got a mouse-only version working using just one ahk program. I'm putting the polish on it now. Tray menu commands etc.. I think I'm going to call the mouse version TicClick.
Directly under TicTac on my page you can download a mouse-only version called TicClick.
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