Software > Finished Programs
DONE: WinampKiller
I wonder what would be the best way to implement "after 30 minutes of IdleMuting, kill winamp.exe" - any ideas?
-brotherS (February 02, 2006, 02:07 AM)
--- End quote ---
If skrommel prefers not to add that to IdleMute, maybe make a new tiny tool for this?
What I want is basically this: if I happen to fall asleep while Winamp is still running (so, like IdleMute, this should only work in a specified time-frame), I want it to be automatically killed/closed after x minutes. I like that skrommel's IdleMute only mutes the PC and doesn't immediately close Winamp, so if I'm at the phone I could just push my mouse to unmute the PC again.
Maybe WinampKiller could use a different approach than IdleMute though, feel free to suggest/code anything :)
And maybe (thanks to jgpaiva for finding this) could help you?
I found these plugins: -> a sleep timer -> offtopic, but seems to be a very nice plugin, features alarm, snooze, etc.
The plugin i mentioned above, does not check for idle, it only can be set to turn of winamp at a given time.
Though, it wouldn't be hard to do such ahk script, not associating it with Idle Mute ( because i don't want to alter the code since it's not mine), you could have something like this:
--- ---#persistent
;winamp shutdown
SetTimer, Sleeper, 10000
If A_TimeIdlePhysical < 1800000 ;number of miliseconds to wait before closing winamp - this command ignores artificial keypresses, and makes the script only work in windows xp or 2k
Process, Exist, Winamp.exe ; change here, if you use another player
if ErrorLevel != 0
Process, Close, Winamp.exe ; change here if you use another player
ExitApp ;terminates the app, since winamp isn't running anymore.
This program is a very fast and ugly solution, it doesn't close winamp, terminates it. Which means that if you wanted to have the last playlist the next time you open winamp, it might not be the best solution, as winamp won't save anything since it was last opened.
As i have posted before, i can't do any ini files (yet) because, i have not learned how to do them. I will in a few days. In the meantime, I commented the important parts if you'd like other settings
Thanks for the initial work! I don't mind if the script just kills Winamp, but I need to make it work only from STARTTIME to ENDTIME. Guess I'll have to check IdleMute's code...
I'm using for this task now :Thmbsup:
:) Check the latest version of IdleMute at It sports a second timer that kicks in after x minutes of inactivity after the initial ilde mute.
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