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Which came first? The Chicken or the Egg? Scientists say: The Chicken

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I would agree the chicken came first, as I believe that God created the world and all life in it. :D

I would suggest it depends on if you define a chicken egg as something which is laid by a chicken, or as something from which a chicken hatches. Once you settle on the definition then the answer to the question is simple.

Anyway, here's a rather critical follow-up; Chickens, eggs, this is no way to report on science.

Anyway, here's a rather critical follow-up; Chickens, eggs, this is no way to report on science.
-Eóin (July 15, 2010, 03:04 AM)
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the comments are worth a read as well (serious and......entertaining)Posted by: sasqwatch

Besides, everybody knows the rooster came first.

Apparently the scientists were reading

That's like asking if Eve's first son came before her! Of course the 'mother' comes first  ;)


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