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Sitepoint is giving away a free ebook

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Deozaan, he can't direct message you unless you follow him. (twitter's rules, not his)-app103 (July 12, 2010, 11:15 PM)
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That I didn't know. :-[

Well, after pulling my foot out of my mouth, I DMed the woman running @sitepointdotcom, who was very helpful and after some initial problems, eventually got the order registered to my e-mail address.

I still never got an e-mail from them. For some reason it wouldn't go through. But she told me my order number and gave me a link to login to download the book.

Congratulations on your success, and thanks for following up on how things resolved for you :)

That's disappointing. More than 24 hours after submitting my e-mail address to them, the offer is over and my link never arrived.

Good thing I didn't pay for it.
-Deozaan (July 12, 2010, 10:21 PM)
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Same here.  Can you IM me the lady so I can follow through as well?  Thanks.

I contacted them through their twitter account:


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