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Idea: DC Cody Tshirts customized for an interest area
not saying this is the right font to use but it's free for commercial use and it looks kind of BladeRunner/oriental/future/mish-mash - which appeals to me. the justification is "coding" snack obviously relates to programming which relates to technology, relates to future, relates to blah, blah, blah.
but, i admit, there's nothing wrong with something that looks traditionally "Chinese" or just a plain helvetica (novelty fonts tend to lose their appeal after a few viewings, i find).
this was just one of the fonts over at: http://www.fontspace.com/category/asian
We're really lucky to have you doing this image stuff, nudone!!
That font makes my eyeballs roll in opposite directions! ;D It's the first time in years that I've looked even remotely normal…
Perry Mowbray:
What's wrong with:
That is if Google Translate got "Coding Snacks" right ;)
I love the graphic tho'... Chris is right: you're a genius and we're lucky!
What's wrong with: (see attachment in previous post)
That is if Google Translate got "Coding Snacks" right ;)
-Perry Mowbray (July 15, 2010, 11:41 PM)
--- End quote ---
that's an idea -
we can finally compete with all those countries that have terrible english translations on their t-shirts etc :D
thanks for the praise, but i can't really take much credit - i didn't create the original coding snack bowl.
mouser is the one that chose the DC icons, so it is his keen eye that we should thank.
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