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TV Controls (rant)

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Wow... I've not really watched much TV (as in on the television) for the past god knows how many years, but... I'm back visiting my parents, and the controls for the TV are simply nuts.

To start... Turning on the TV can be a major task. The TV and the set-top box both need to be on. Getting them to sync up turning on is trying at best. I literally just spent probably about 3 minutes just trying to turn it all on. Every time one of them would switch off with every different combination I tried. Wow. Impressive...

Next, the onscreen TV guide is sluggish beyond comprehension. DVD players are similarly sluggish too though. I suppose a 2+ second wait is reasonable for most people? It certainly isn't for me.

Then, when it turns midnight, it takes a half hour to update the time in the onscreen TV guide...

I remember YEARS ago when I was a kid and changing the channel was INSTANTANEOUS! Turning now is like waiting for the next ice age.

Finally, the best thing on the tube is Jerry Springer with "You slept with my baby's daddy".

I want to stab myself in the eyes. It will be less painful...

And my parents have a "good" TV. Home theater type 52" monster stuff.

Does this kind of stuff (slowness in TVs & remotes & all that) seem annoying to anyone else?

Does this kind of stuff (slowness in TVs & remotes & all that) seem annoying to anyone else?
-Renegade (July 05, 2010, 02:27 PM)
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Now that I am old and impoverished, I find that this stuff is a godsend.
By the time I've juggled controllers and have the set alight, and the satellite tuned in, and have inadvertently hit the button that turns off the room lights, I usually just nod off to sleep. No longer any need to pay for programme content. That's my evening, right there.

Does this kind of stuff (slowness in TVs & remotes & all that) seem annoying to anyone else?
-Renegade (July 05, 2010, 02:27 PM)
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Now that I am old and impoverished, I find that this stuff is a godsend.
By the time I've juggled controllers and have the set alight, and the satellite tuned in, and have inadvertently hit the button that turns off the room lights, I usually just nod off to sleep. No longer any need to pay for programme content. That's my evening, right there.
-cranioscopical (July 05, 2010, 02:39 PM)
--- End quote ---


Yeah, I suppose that it beats sleeping pills! :D

Very annoying! And the monkeys hired by the cable company need to justify their salaries so they keep experimenting with the firmware and adding redundant features that make a sluggish box even slower. Their latest achievement is doubling the recording hours on the STB by using heavier compression which ends up compromising the clarity of the recording.

that's called progress....


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