ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > Unicode Image Maker

Apparent Bug

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Hi Mouser,

Tonight I had an image in the background (Centered and Fit, preserve ratio; no enlarge).

I don't know if this happens with other choices, but I suspect it would.

Anyway, I had text on top, entered the normal way.  I saved the file.

When I loaded up the file, even though the preview showed my background image and the text, neither was loaded.  All I saw was a blank Unicode window for typing into.  I tried going to options and setting the image setting to No Image.  This made no difference.  I tried scrolling, but to no avail.  See attached picture.

What I was hoping that the image in the background would automatically be loaded as a background image and the text would show up on top of it as I had on the screen before saving it.

Can you look at this problem at some point?  I was really hoping to be able to display an image with a background and slide the text over it as I change it, but keep the background image in-place.

Thanks for any help on this, Mouser.


It should be able to re-load your text at least, let me look into it.. maybe i broke something recently..

Confirmed.. i must have broken something.. i will try to fix.

can you see if it works if you save it as a PNG..
maybe it's only jpg that it doesnt work for.

I think maybe i see the problem.. i think it's trying to save the entire background image in the comments field of the image files.. which is too big for it, at least in case of jpg.  Instead it should just save the NAME of the background image file, that should make it work.  Will try to update this week.

Hi Mouser,

It appears that png works OK.  I will check more later on, but as you say it might just be a jpg issue.

Thanks for looking into it for me.


Hi Mouser,

I hope the jpg file save issue won't be too hard to solve.  It is so much easier to drag a file (jpg format) from the desktop to the QSO-TV.  For images with a background, I have to drag from UIM.  There are times when my file with a background doesn't change, so a jpg file saved on the desktop is all I need.

Again, thanks for a great program.  I use it just about every day.



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