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What hotkey(s) do *you* use to trigger FARR?

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One nice thing about the common heritage of ahk/AutoIt3 is compatible format for hotkey strings.  ahk handles Mouse hotkeys while AutoIt3 is weak in that area.

I use this ahk script to catch Shift-MiddleMouseClick and send the hotkey string passed in on the command line:

--- ---#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance force
If 0 < 1
hkey = %1%

Send %hkey%

It should be portable to servicing non-AutoIt3 programs.  You would just have to put the appropriate string as command line param.  Also it's easy to read the mouse hotkey from an .ini file to make it "adjustable" to different programs.  Not many programming languages handle mouse hotkeys as easily as ahk.  So this is a nice simple adapter.

Note, by using #SingleInstance force
you can change the hotkey sent by just launching the program again using a different param.

Here's an example of testing for mouse hotkey in .ini file. If not present it sets it to the default. It should work in both script(.ahk) and compiled script(.exe) cases:

--- ---IniFile = %A_ScriptDir%\%A_ScriptName%
IniFile := RegExReplace(IniFile,"i)ahk$","ini")
IniFile := RegExReplace(IniFile,"i)exe$","ini")
If MouseHotkey =
MouseHotkey := "!MButton"

If ErrorLevel
  MsgBox, 4112, PromptHere, %MouseHotkey% is not a valid Hotkey

edit: btw I use the default Pause key.  For those who don't like to let go of the mouse to hit a hotkey, you should be able to modify the scripts to produce something that sends "{Pause}" when you click middle mouse button, as example, to open FARR. (Although, since I'm going to type into the search box anyway, keyboard-only hotkey is not detrimental to me in FARR.  Just an example since the topic came up.)

I think I finally get it.

How nice it might be if the 'main' FARR hotkey could be read from FARR via a command line option :)

BTW, here's a sequence of keys to get FARR to display that became apparent just recently:

* Win+B
* f
* Enter
Or if you want to see FARR's tray icon menu:

* Win+B
* f
* Apps key or Shift+F10
Note: Depending on which tray icons are visible, you might need a different number of presses of fs.

So I changed all of my boxes to use Win + Alt + Space.-phitsc
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the idea! Just switched to it from Ctrl+Shift+Space. (I used to use Win+Space on XP/Vista as well and abandoned it for the same reason.)

I use alt+space as it defaulted from my launchy days. Tilde or pause are not bad choices since they are single key hotkey(on a full keyboard), but they are a bit far off, especially pause as i have to press fn+pg up on my laptop to get pause. I think even caps lock is not such a disastrous hotkey as it seems at the first sight. Three key combinations are a bit too weird for me, as i bring FARR every two minutes to do something. Tap tap hotkey also seems like a good idea but all the obvious keys are at the side of the keyboard and seem a bit far off.

There was an argument that alt+space is used for menu that allows you to resize, minimize and maximize windows so it shouldn't get overridden, but i added the following to the nircmd alias pack that enabled me to do the same using Farr:

--- ---1000>>>Max>->Maximize last active window | %ALIASDIR%\nircmd.exe win max handle %LASTHWND% /ICON=nircmd_icons\max.png
1000>>>Min>->Minimize last active window | %ALIASDIR%\nircmd.exe win min handle %LASTHWND%
1000>>>Restore>->Restore last active window | %ALIASDIR%\nircmd.exe win normal handle %LASTHWND%
1000>>>Center>->Center last active window | %ALIASDIR%\nircmd.exe win center handle %LASTHWND%


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