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how they create such beautiful graphics?

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I'm amazed that you'd ask what a leaflet is, and not, "What's a lipid?" :-[

Kalos, the image looks hand-drawn to me. I would say that's not going to be easy for a novice.

Thanks ewemoa, interesting article.  

I'm amazed that you'd ask what a leaflet is, and not, "What's a lipid?" :-[
-Deozaan (June 19, 2010, 10:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

Had a yen a few years ago to learn about metabolism, which meant spending some time reading about cell biology and biochemistry.  It's awe inspiring stuff, secrets of life.

Reminds me that one advantage to living in our times is the huge amount of knowledge available to us.  I'm an average person and Isaac Newton was a genius.  But he'd have given his right arm to know what I know.


You think the graphic with the viral hairpins was hand-drawn?  Looks painstaking.  You couldn't do it faster with some kind of drawing software? 

The Viral Hairpins graphic is almost certainly a computer rendered image, but the first one at top is hand-drawn (that does not mean it was not done with a computer program, just that it was done "by hand", not automatically calculated by a rendering algorithm).

- Oshyan

I am mainly interested in the non hand-drawn images, how these can be created


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