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Tray Management Utilities Mini-Review
One other bit of advice (that it's time for me to do right now... *sigh*) is to do spring cleaning on your installation every so often. As you do it more, it will be less intrusive (getting rid of startup items you don't use is one big one)... but if you don't do it, sometimes its faster to just reinstall (that's what I need to do now... but it's very disruptive to say the least).
In recent weeks my system tray has started acting up. It would stop displaying a whole lot of icons for software that are otherwise running. This is occurring randomly, i.e. after some rebooting or waking up the system tray either works properly or it doesn't.
-dr_andus (December 24, 2013, 05:36 AM)
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I had that problem over the last couple of months with 7 x64 - seems to have stabilised now though FWIW. I did install a bunch of non-critical windows updates lately. Maybe one of them helped, but I really dont know.
-tomos (December 24, 2013, 07:34 AM)
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having this problem again more often (it never went completely).
Does not seem to be related to Explorer - Windows Explorer has not crashed - not that I noticed anyways, and it's running normally as I write, with one icon blank in the tray, and about six others not showing at all.
I dont want to hide all icons behind one icon, so PS Tray Factory sounds like (the only?) possible solution. But not having been updated in five years now and with dr_andus's report below, I think I'll pass on it and see if restarting explorer fixes...
I kind of like what PS Tray Factory does and wish I could use that instead but unfortunately it does not work 100% on my Win7, 64-bit machine. Certain icons would just persist in the tray, even when I select them off, or there would be duplicates of some, with no way to deselect them. Plus some other glitches, which make me reluctant to shell out money for it.
-dr_andus (December 27, 2013, 04:21 AM)
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Actually, I have noticed a few of my regular Systray icons episodically playing up and disappearing over the last few weeks. This is in Win8.1-64 PRO. I think it might be a minor new bug in the OS. In Personalisation Settings, the icons seem to have been reset to "not display". Restarting Explorer doesn't seem to always restore the icons either - it used to when I had a similar problem in Win7-64 HP.
I'm not sure if this is the same thing you are experiencing but I just reinstalled Windows 7 and have had problems with icons not showing in the tray when I start up. Some googling found that this is an "intended feature" of Windows. Basically, Microsoft never thought Windows would start up as fast as modern hardware has allowed it to, so they hardcoded in a length of time upon booting in which, if any programs open up, their icons will not show in the tray.
The suggested solutions I found are to slow your computer down. Or wait a full minute after the OS boots before loading your startup programs (sounds like a good use for App's Lacuna Launcher from NANY 2009!). Or rebuild the icon cache. Or edit some DLL file to make Windows not so stupid about this.
I'm not sure if this is the same thing you are experiencing but I just reinstalled Windows 7 and have had problems with icons not showing in the tray when I start up. Some googling found that this is an "intended feature" of Windows. Basically, Microsoft never thought Windows would start up as fast as modern hardware has allowed it to, so they hardcoded in a length of time upon booting in which, if any programs open up, their icons will not show in the tray.
The suggested solutions I found are to slow your computer down. Or wait a full minute after the OS boots before loading your startup programs (sounds like a good use for App's Lacuna Launcher from NANY 2009!). Or rebuild the icon cache. Or edit some DLL file to make Windows not so stupid about this.
-Deozaan (May 20, 2015, 12:29 PM)
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I didn't run W7 x64 for any length of time so I don't know if my issue with W8.0 x64 is the same. What happened to me is just clicking the check box "show all icons and notifications" did not cause all the tray icons to show. Every time I run a new program I seem to need to open the options, uncheck the show all check box, then individually set every icon to both thow icon and notification, then recheck the check box.
It may be easier to delete the icon cache using a batch file. :)
The other thing that bugs me is how they jump around during startup. If you want to click a tray icon while stuff is still loading you end up clicking the wrong one as the target is moving. :)
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