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20 years later, the movie "Total Recall" still kicks butt

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Cherry 2000! Good grief! The ultimate riff on the old joke about the guy who went out to buy a "patch kit" for his inflatable friend. Such a dumb movie concept that it actually worked.  Bunch of good one-liners in it too, if memory serves.   

Cherry 2000! Good grief! The ultimate riff on the old joke about the guy who went out to buy a "patch kit" for his inflatable friend. Such a dumb movie concept that it actually worked.  Bunch of good one-liners in it too, if memory serves. -40hz (June 13, 2010, 02:09 PM)
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Look for a Hollywood remake starring Ashton Kutcher called "Dude! Where's my sex doll?".

You make me wish like I had three hands...

Now this is the plan...Get your ass to Mars
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On the topic of hot movies babes, and sticking in the retro theme, how about a Cherry 2000 (pic)? Great flick! Not sure if anyone will know it though. 1987 movie with Melanie Griffith in it. -Renegade (June 13, 2010, 09:50 AM)
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Might be a B-movie, but I kinda like it :)


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