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What to use to secure delete a HDD?
No, nothing wrong with using DBAN, except you'll be wasting time if you do a paranoid multi-pass shredding :). And yes, if it's the only harddrive in the system, you'll need to boot either DBAN, the windows installer disc, a linux installer, or whatever.
EDIT: I still believe multi-pass shredding is a waste of time, but a non-quick format is not enough.
Thanks for clarifying!
I strongly recomment "CopyWipe" from TerabyteUnlimited : download the free software, burn a bootable media (floppy, CD), reboot and follow the instructions. You may select the least secure module, it will be good enough.
Thanks merle, i'll look at that one too!
Just use DBan's "quick" single-pass options for a good compromise between paranoia and time needed to wipe. If you need to be sure beyond that you'd probably be better off getting a sledgehammer, a book of matches, and a can of petrol.
A full disk zero overwrite is also sufficient according to most security and data recovery experts. Most drive utilities have a version of that if you don't want to run dban.
FWIW I use dban on my own and my client's machines.
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