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an entire drive suddenly missing!

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Probably a good idea to make sure you have a backup of the backup drive... it's never a good sign when hardware starts acting flaky.

That's the best way to solve this !  I would still backup the important data currently on that disk...

a backup of the backup
--- End quote ---

That is not quite the type of person that I am. I already have spent all of my money on software that I don't really need. Why would I suddenly become reasonable and get something that I actually might need?

Money, money, money,
must be funny,
in the rich man's world

Carol Haynes:
I have come across this a few times with client drives. Each time it has been the USB converter that has been the problem. To recover the data I removed the drive and either plugged it in internally (they are mostly standard SATA drives these days) or used an alternative USB enclosures. Each time the drive was fine.

Glad yours is working again though ;)

Well possible your drive is corrupted so basically windows will popup with that message. Try to instal UNKNOWN DEVICES ( and see what will come up


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