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My new pet project : makes flash games more like desktop games

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question: it says it is a browser extension, but doesnt say what browser it is for?

The setup contains browser extensions for IE, Firefox and Chrome, but the browser extension just scan for the flash then transmit it to swiffout to display it fullscreen. It is a browser extension and an external application.

You may be right f0dder. I'm not sure how to confirm that. Would you like 10$ better than 9$ too ?

I'm not sure that decreasing the price over the time is good or bad. Lowering the price afterward seems more harmful to me, since people who paid before might be upset that they could have pay less by waiting ? I'd rather favor first customers ;)

You may be right f0dder. I'm not sure how to confirm that. Would you like 10$ better than 9$ too ?-ecaradec (May 06, 2010, 06:19 AM)
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Hmm, good question actually - $9 isn't offensive to me, while $9.90 definitely is. Something that might be fun to try is pricing the app at $10, along with a very small footnote reading something along the lines of "we didn't want to offend you with a pricetag of $9.99" :P


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