Software > DC Member Programs and Projects
My new pet project : makes flash games more like desktop games
Thank you TPReal this is the kind of advice I needed. The new price is $3.
Thank you TPReal this is the kind of advice I needed. The new price is $3.-ecaradec (May 08, 2010, 01:06 AM)
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cool! when can i pre-order? :)
i dont want to make this into a crazy discussion of prices, and i don't mean to make you lose your mind with confusion,
but i have the depressing feeling that when you price something so low like $3, the result will be no one will buy it.. they will take that $3 to mean that it's not worth the effort.
i think you should remember that its very hard to go up in price.. better to start at $10 and see how it goes and decide if you want to change later.
its so hard to make money on these kinds of things anyway, so it probably won't make a difference.. but my 2 cents is that if you are going to charge $3 you might as well give it away. better to charge $10 and try to make enough money to support continued improvement.
hmm.. as mouser mentioned, it's pertinent to find a middle-ground for the pricing lest users might see the product as over-priced or under-priced.
maybe you can add some additional feature like an 'offline mode' where the swf files are saved into a cache folder so that users can play them even when they're offline.
if you're not in a hurry to launch the product, let it hover in beta stage for some time and wait for user feedback. you can say that the app's free while beta testing and charge later when the full is product is out.
I really respect what you think mouser.
But I may go up the price as I add functionnalities. I'll add something telling that this is a launching price and that the value is greater, so that people will know it is better to pay now and it will make easier to increase the price latter.
@Lanux : if you buy a licence you should receive it by email. It's automatic, there is no preorder, it's live.
I won't be there this we, but I'll read everything when I'll come back.
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