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How to use pskill with farr

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I realise this might be a little late to add, but there is a ProcessKill plugin for FARR that works well:

I realise this might be a little late to add, but there is a ProcessKill plugin for FARR that works well:
-skwire (May 05, 2010, 01:46 AM)
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Yes, but ProcessKill plugin kills your local process where pskill can kill a process on another computer. And the rest of PStools are also used to manage processes and services on remote computers. Maybe this alias could be extended to utilize the rest of the tools.

Hey guys I do not know what I am doing wrong with this!!! lol I got it where when I type in pskill(hit the spacebar) it now shows what I have copied to the clipboard but when I go and type the process name the drop down goes away again grrrr lol Here are my screenshots... Thanks for all the help with this btw

ok i uninstalled farr and installed 2.87.03 and it works!!!!!

it looks like 2.87.01 does not support this feature and you have to get 03 ...... :up:


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