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April 2010 Giveaways and Discounts - Winners Posted

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April 2010 Giveaways and Discounts

This month we have a discount on the VTrain vocabulary trainer, as well as copies of VTrain and the Linkman Pro bookmark organizer to give away.

* April 2010 Special Discounts and Giveaways
* VTrain 44% discount
NOTE: The VTrain Discount expires at the end of the month.

Winners of the April 2010 Giveaway Drawing

Supporting Members, you've got until the last day of the month to take advantage of this month's Discounts..

This Month's Special Discounts and Giveaways:

* Linkman
* VTrain (44% discount)
A big thanks to vtrain and outertech for being so generous.  :up:

Winners of 'Linkman' (20):

* PhilB66
* docster
* dspelley
* VampireRat
* bobholm
* riskadonation
* ldarrambide
* rick99
* dfluck
* sauzee
* critStock
* briankrg
* smarcin
* Loonier
* rodmeyers
* jaden
* cacoder
* zenium
* skwire
Winners of 'VTrain' (5):

* Floppy
* moonwatcher
* markan
* Hermandt
* drvipuldaveAll winners are now being notified by email to their forum email address.  If you haven't received an email but your name is listed above, check spam filters and forum email address, and then mail [email protected] and let us know you never got any mail.  It can take a few days for companies to send you your serial number; if a few days pass and you haven't received it - send a reminder to the company email as noted in your winning notification email, or to us by replying to the email you received or to us directly.

Curious about how we award prizes?  See for a discussion about our custom prize optimizer utility. Winning something one month reduces your chances of winning the next month, and being helpful on the forum slightly increases your chances.

Woo Hoo

Me very HAPPY.... Thank you DC.

I must be a lucky one!!!

Thank you!

Thanks to our organizers for arranging this month's give-away!

Thanks also to Outer Technologies, 20 licenses for Linkman is an impressive donation!


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