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Powerpoint sucks - what to use instead?
I assume you mean XSL-FO. It's an interesting system, but it would be a whole new system to learn, and I don't really see the advantage over CSS and HTML really (for my purposes). It does support some fancier stuff like text orientation and whatnot, but explicitly want to avoid most fancy formatting.
Still, a cool tech to know about, and I appreciate the suggestion. :)
- Oshyan
The only thing is, it looks like Prezi requires a subscription.
Hey, thanks for reminding me about this project. Gotta put it in my project manager for future reference. I still think this could be useful, although with the increasing prevalence of web-based everything maybe it should be a web service...
- Oshyan
Reviving this one as I just randomly ran across a couple of interesting related projects.
S5 is an HTML, CSS, and Javascript slide show system that appears to be a descendant of Opera's early slide show concept:
HTML Slidey seems to be in a similar vein and I'm not yet sure what sets it apart from S5:
Slideous is the project that made me aware of the other two so is presumably more advanced, though I'm not entirely sure how yet:
None of these include full-on authoring tools, which would be necessary for my original needs (which actually still exist!), but at least they define a standard way to represent slide shows in HTML and CSS such that perhaps an open source HTML authoring tool could be made to create this stuff...
- Oshyan
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