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Process Tamer speeds up my games & internet speed!

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Hi Cyberdiva, well this fight between malwarbytes and iobit started since iobit proposed to their users to make a comparative reports on how iobit security 360 manage infrctions alerts, so they started to make reports and test against free antimalware softs, such as superantuspyware, malwarebytes antimalwre... and reports camed that iobit behaved well compared others and also the testers used themselves virus files for testing and iobit didnt provided those, but sure iobit has also virus database that are updated if users sends some new ones.
-ha14 (April 23, 2010, 04:48 AM)
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Hi, ha14.  It's certainly true that Iobit would be updating its database in response to user submissions.  However, as I recall, there were certain aspects of the evidence that Malwarebytes uncovered that seemed pretty compelling.  It's been a while since I read the discussions both on the Malwarebytes site and elsewhere, but if I recall correctly, Iobit did remove certain parts of their database after the Malwarebytes' accusation, and Iobit's performance fell substantially without those parts.  I confess, though, that I didn't pay a LOT of attention to this issue, so it's very possible there are aspects I know nothing about.  

I used iobit advanced system care like 3 years ago, that time Iobit security 360 was possibly under development and was not in their web page, well Iobit advanced system care has an antispyware module in it, so what ever Iobit security 360 was hit then this will affect Advanced system care. Now I check also my boot racing using bootracer

I found also a giveaway contest

so if someone would like a chance then here it this.

A little off topic, I know; but only a little,... I need to ask for an advice:

I NEVER use my computer for gaming, but I have not been able to figure out what services,  if any,  to disable,  in order to free a little more memory. Directions, please?

32-bits Vista Home Premium SP-1
-Curt (April 20, 2010, 06:25 AM)
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I'm hanging on to XP but wanted to tell you that  turning off a multitude of services I didn't use sped it up - hugely.  I am not connected to a network so all the network stuff was using up system resources for no reason. If you aren't part of a network you should also reap good benefits by freeing yourself of services you aren't using. A search for Windows Vista Services will produce very good information on what you can and cannot disable.

Good luck to you.

Awesome site.

Too bad BV doesn't have a "make donation" button on his website. I almost feel I owe him something.
-40hz (April 19, 2010, 02:29 PM)
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He does, under Support BV: Donate! on the left side.


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