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Process Tamer speeds up my games & internet speed!

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To me your list of speedup software seems overly excessive. I suspect a lot of overlapping functionality within this set.

When you start a gaming session, would it not be smarter to disable (MS Windows and 3rth party) services and other background tasks (indexing for example) that are not essential for the game? Throwing in the famous car analogy...'nothing beats cubic inches'.

Go and look at sites like to see which services can be disabled. Besides spending some time this solution is free, unlike all those more or less 'snakeoil' type of software you mentioned.
-Shades (April 17, 2010, 11:32 AM)
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IMO, those programs are good to cleanup a PC and make sure unnecessary utilities are not running when you don't need them... but they won't really boost PC performance that much until one can feel the difference (normally you will need a benchmark program to see the difference).

Your suggestion of disabling services too has no big effect on overall PC performance... the crucial point is, if one really need to squeeze very bit of extra memory or every bit of other PC components's performance (e.g. hardisk I/O or display), it seems to me that PC is not suitable for gaming.

i.e. if one has a PC which is good enough for average gaming requirements, those efforts of tunning is not worth the small performance gain.

Though the essence of your point may be correct, it doesn't take into account something that hits many gamers, especially in these times- economics.  Sometimes you can't afford to upgrade- do you then stop gaming until you can?  I think that there are quite a few cases where extra processes can mean the difference between a playable game experience and not, and I've been in that boat where I'm trying to squeeze a few extra FPS out of my system.

Sometimes you can't afford to upgrade- do you then stop gaming until you can? 
-wraith808 (April 23, 2010, 07:02 PM)
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Sure, my answer is NO. You can always choose to just stop playing only game that requires hardware upgrade, until you can.

I think that there are quite a few cases where extra processes can mean the difference between a playable game experience and not, and I've been in that boat where I'm trying to squeeze a few extra FPS out of my system.
-wraith808 (April 23, 2010, 07:02 PM)
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I don't really know what do you mean by "quite a few cases".
If it means most of the games that you are playing, then again, I will still suggest an hardware upgrade.
If many of the games that you want to play requires hardware upgrade and you really feel painful (burget short) to do it, may be it is time to stop playing games and go make some extra money...  :P

It's not happening *now*, but it has happened in the past.  And sometimes there *is* no other way to make extra money over what you're doing, so perhaps games are your only escape from the doldrums of life.  My point is that everyone isn't in the same boat, so to suggest that these are never needed when I know from personal experience that they work is sort of disingenuous.  Are they a replacement for having good parts- no.  But if you don't have the parts or the money, they are definitely somewhere you can look...

Well, I do remember when I was a student, I have all the time and interest to play many computer games... but I can't afford to buy them.
Now, I have no problem, be it upgrade my PC or buying a computer game, but I don't have that much time... sigh! :(
What worries me the most is, in the future when I retire, I might have both time and money for computer games... but I might not have interest in playing them any more. :P


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