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Process Tamer speeds up my games & internet speed!

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But if you do insist on going the cookbook route, at least be sure you read all the instructions - and follow them to the letter... :mrgreen:
-40hz (April 19, 2010, 02:29 PM)
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There's also imaging software to image your machine before you make wholesale changes so you can get back to where you are.  With them being so useable now, I just don't see how you don't have an image if you're getting ready to do something that you *know* you don't understand...

But if you do insist on going the cookbook route, at least be sure you read all the instructions - and follow them to the letter... :mrgreen:
-40hz (April 19, 2010, 02:29 PM)
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There's also imaging software to image your machine before you make wholesale changes so you can get back to where you are.  With them being so useable now, I just don't see how you don't have an image if you're getting ready to do something that you *know* you don't understand...
-wraith808 (April 19, 2010, 03:03 PM)
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How does that old gag line go? Something like:

"If you're gonna confuse the issue with logic, we might as well end this discussion right now."

  ;D ;)  :Thmbsup:

A little off topic, I know; but only a little,... I need to ask for an advice:

I NEVER use my computer for gaming, but I have not been able to figure out what services,  if any,  to disable,  in order to free a little more memory. Directions, please?

32-bits Vista Home Premium SP-1

Curt - I found Vista Services Optimizer to work really well...

Hi Cyberdiva, well this fight between malwarbytes and iobit started since iobit proposed to their users to make a comparative reports on how iobit security 360 manage infrctions alerts, so they started to make reports and test against free antimalware softs, such as superantuspyware, malwarebytes antimalwre... and reports camed that iobit behaved well compared others and also the testers used themselves virus files for testing and iobit didnt provided those, but sure iobit has also virus database that are updated if users sends some new ones.

I have foound WinTuning Vister  that has more features than the free Vista Services Optimizer, also Wintuning vister is not expensive, so here is the link to check the properties plus the trial mode is for 15 days.


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