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Need help regarding DOS and BAT files.

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I don't consider myself a programmer either (yet), I'm with f00der & daddydave.  They've already said what I would say.  Batch scripting is still useful, but I wouldn't suggest it for anything big.  And I'd agree with trying Python or Java first.

How to Teach Yourself Programming - Teach yourself C++ in 21 days.
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years - From the bottom of the comic.  Kind of long, but interesting read.

If you've already learned some C++, you might try finding some online tutorials and see how much you do remember.  You might not want/need to jumpstart yourself with other languages.

it's easy to get lost in language technicalities instead of actually learning programming-f0dder (April 14, 2010, 05:44 PM)
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Yep, with Java it is easier to "learn programming". There is a library for everything, so basically it is just C&P.
Sooo much better than C++ where you actually have to understand how to code.

(Sarcasm, anyone?)

I think you completely missed the point, Tuxman.

Language technicalities != libraries. Anybody who has had to deal with template errors, code behaving inconsistently because of subtle language rules allowing aggressive optimizations, implicit conversions you didn't expect, et cetera(!) would probably agree with me that C++ isn't the best language to start with. Java is just a lot friendlier in that regard.

"There is a library for everything, so basically it is just C&P." is bullshit, and using existing libraries doesn't mean you aren't going to understand what you're doing. When is the last time you wrote your own memory manager, anyway?

I never had to.

C++ might have some difficulties Java does not have; but it all depends on how you are going to work later. Most Java "programmers" don't actually program, they only complete already existing code bases. See, it is also a question of idealism. To me, people who let their IDE generate the boilerplates are, maybe, "developers", but programming is something quite different.

Sure, getting into the finesses is harder in C++. But once you understood why something does what, you are able to work with it. That's what it is all about, right?

If hulkbuster wants to learn how to be a programmer, IDE-driven languages like Java are not the way to go IMO.
(Yep, sure, all Java programmers on DC code with pure Notepad and cmd. Well then. ;-))

I serched through web and couldn't find any decent materials-hulkbuster (April 14, 2010, 05:29 PM)
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One of the books I found useful was one by Dan Gookin, Advanced MS-DOS Batch File Programming.  You could try Advanced Book Exchange (ABE) to look for a copy.  Gookin intends to put his old stuff online: that hasn't happened yet, but he's made some of the companion disks freely available on his Wambooli Archives site.


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