Software > Post New Requests Here
Recycle Bin Configurator
This one claims to have rule-based deletion control:
Here's the publisher's page:
edit: I haven't tried it myself. The vanilla bin is all I need. But if you guys rave about it then I'll be tempted to check it out most likely. :)
The vanilla bin is all I need
--- End quote ---
Sorry, but what's the vanilla bin?
he just means the plain old ordinary normal built-in recycle bin in windows.
course :-[ thanks!
The thing I'm running into, I have an internal drive stuck in a USB 3.0 docking station. That particular dock has a time-out to spin the drive down. When I empty the recycle bin, if the drive in the dock is spun down, I have to wait while it spins up. I don't keep the recycle bin icon on the desktop. I don't know how many times I've put the icon on the desktop just so I can turn off recycle bin coverage for the drive in the dock. All seems ok. I hide the icon again. Then at some undetermined point Windows just puts the drive back in the recycle bin coverage on its own accord. It's driving me nuts. :mad:
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