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IDEA - new option for DragLock?
I am a new visitor to the site and like the DragLock program. I am wondering if it can be written so instead of working while the Windows key is depressed, locking a specified axis is activated by one hotkey and remains locked until a second hotkey is pressed? What I notice with the current code is that a certain amount of wiggle is permitted.
Welcome to the site mastersesci :Thmbsup:
That sounds like a good idea..
Skrommel, the DragLock author, has been pretty busy lately, but maybe someone else could modify the code.
Here's the original DragLock thread:
Hi mastersesci :up:
I requested the idea and I still use it regularly :)
Your idea would certainly resolve any initial confusion of direction -I find it's unsure initially of where you want to go. Once it has locked on the direction you're heading I find it rock solid. The mouse arrow(or whatever) will flicker - but the line of movement doesnt in my experience. (I can test it by drawing a freehand line while using it - I dont fully understand your image btw - was the down [y] line drawn while also using draglock?)
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