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Q: Copy files in linux while spanning hard disks.
I'm working on a client's machine, and I'm backing up all of their 2.1 TB of data (Media server full of movies) so that when I attempt to work on their degraded RAID 5 array, I have something to work with if it completely fails.
I used partimage to get the system drive (40gb) backed up no problem. I've bought 2 1.5 TB drives (the biggest they had was 2, so this was cheaper) so I would have space for this backup, so 2.1TB doesn't fit on one disk. partimage spans media, which is good. But I'm slightly concerned that partimage won't work with a GPT partition, but so far the initial 70 minute partition scan is going well. Plus, if the need arises that I need to pull certain files out (you know, for testing ;)), I don't want to try to find 2+ TB of space for a 5 GB file.
Is there a program or script that that someone might recommend (or create) that would copy the entire contents of the partition (I don't think permissions are an issue, but it would be nice to capture it just in case) and span it over a number of media devices (2 hard drives in this case.
If I had the choice, I'd rather have a neat little script I could learn from (Hints at some donation credits :D), but I'm needing to get this done without too much delay.
-- Ron
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